Tuesday, March 1, 2016


In the commercial based society that we are enveloped in every single day, us as consumers are bombarded with thousands of advertisements within a matter of hours. “In the West (and, increasingly, globally) advertising is part of daily life and inseparable from popular culture. In many countries, advertising is the one common experience shared by a large, diverse populace. Advertising is a mass media leveler, the pop culture vehicle—from outdoor boards to Web banners to television commercials—with which we all come into contact.” Advertising by Design, Robin Land Page 2 In order for an ad for a product to win over the consumer, the advertisements need to stand out to the consumer. In all of the noise present when trying to talk to the consumers it is imperative that the brand speaks directly to the emotions of the viewer. It is important to find and target a specific market and talk to them directly, with the appropriate medium. “A critical component is learning about the audience—the targeted, specified group of people at whom you are aiming your message, design, and solution. The audience is the main group who would purchase this product, utilize this information or service, or patronize this entity or brand.” Advertising by Design, Robin Land Page 15 It is necessary that the brand speaks to the consumer through mediums that are relevant and are in the lives of the target market. In this specific ad campaign, there is a heavy focus on advertisements in business magazines. This is to specifically target a market of middle-aged business men with average incomes. These individuals have established themselves in such an environment (the business world) in which luxury possessions are something of high regard. On an average wage, these hard working gentlemen will jump on any opportunity to get a taste of luxury at a price that won’t break them. “That is why it is critical to understand how a strategy and idea can work across media and how to start a conversation with people. To simply place an ad conceived for print in mobile media is not enough. One must understand what each medium can do and do well and what people want on that platform or device.” Advertising by Design, Robin Land Page 48 The advertisement campaign plays upon the psychology of the consumer to connect emotions to the ad itself. “According to Abraham Maslow, one of the founders of humanistic psychology, we have a hierarchy of needs that influence our behavior.” Advertising by Design, Robin Land Page 68

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